Welcome to Family Time. Please take a few moments to complete this form so we can start our journey together.

Client Details

Please enter your child's name.

We'd love to get to know you!

Please enter your child's date of birth & age.

What is your child's sex?

Carer Details

Home Address

Secondary carer details

Names and ages of siblings at home

School, Kindy or Childcare details

Medical information and Medicare details

How were you referred here?

Cultural Background


Does your Child have a Diagnosis? 

Assessments and Funding

Have any previous assessments been completed?


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)


There are a number of ways your NDIS Plan can be managed.

Self Managed:
The participant has chosen to self-manage the funding for NDIS supports provided under this Service Agreement. After providing those supports, the provider will send the participant an invoice for those supports for the participant to pay. The participant will pay the invoice on the day of service provision by EFTPOS or direct deposit.

Plan Managed:
The participant has nominated a Plan Management Provider to manage the funding for NDIS supports provided under this Service Agreement. After providing those supports, the provider will claim payments for those supports from the Plan Manager.

Emergency Details

Please provide an emergency contact

Permission to call an ambulance if necessary:

Authority to Release Information

Email & SMS Communication

Photo Consent Form

By electronically signing, I confirm the above information is true and correct

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